Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Primary Research




1)Does the dialect have a specific name?

Dad: Patois (pat-twa)
Uncle Anthony: It does not really have a specific dialect because of all of the different cultures.
Friend 1: Patois
Friend 2:Basically Patois based upon older people of 50 years ago, but not part of dialect anymore because it has adavanced
2)Where did the dialect come from?

Dad:Mixture of French, Portuguese, Spanish, African & East Indian
Uncle Anthony:It came from came along from the many different languages as the changed over time.
Friend 1:Broken from spanish heritage & african(from slave trade)
Friend 2:It is a mix of carribean and african after slavery to communicate with carribeans and africans

3)Do you still use it and when?

Dad: All the time
Uncle Anthony:I never really use it beacause i don't speak it
Friend 1:When at home
Friend 2:Yes with friends
4)What are some examples of Trinidadian dialect/slang Example: stupid or Where are you?

Dad: "Dotish" is stupid & "Whey you" is where are you
Uncle Anthony:Wey yuh went(where where you) How you going(how are you doing)
Friend 1: (not answered)
Friend 2: Dotish means stupid
5)Is it hard to learn or understand the meaning of some slang terms when you were growing up?

Dad: no not really
Uncle Anthony: It would be rarely
Friend 1:Yes
Friend 2:No because you were growing into when you were young
6)Do you think your dialect is easily understood by others?

Dad:If spoken slowly people who do not know the dialect
Uncle Anthony:No
Friend 1:Yes
Friend 2:No
7)How often do you hear this dialect being used & by whom?

Dad: My Carribean friends and radio
Uncle Anthony:Barely
Friend 1: Smaller group of older people
Friend 2:Not often & by friends
8)What other dialects are similiar to this one?

Dad:Most of the Carribean island
Uncle Anthony:Any where in the world
Friend 1: Guyanese
Friend 2:(Every island has their own dialect)


QueenB said...

The language is called Trinidadian-Creole. The old language in Trinidad (the language once spoken in Paramin) is called Kweyol. You will find that this language is alive and thriving in islands like Guadeloupe, Martinique, St Martin, Dominica, St Lucia, etc... During slavery, the Africans were forced to create a language in order to communicate with each other. They integrated Spanish, French, English, African and Indigenous languages to create one standard language, creating a creole mixture. The words "dialect" or "patois" is derogatory and should not be used to describe the language spoken. The colonists used to look down upon the language spoken by the enslaved Africans and called it patois which means "rough speech." Patois was originally used to refer to non-standard regional dialects of French peasants in France. The English language derived from French and German, do they call it a dialect or patois? That is something to ponder. Although we do not officially have a name for it, but we can call it Trinidadian- Creole.

hi itsme said...

ive been trying to learn trini-slang.
only because i am trini and ashamed i dont know any.
but reading this i understand that no one really knows the entirety of the language cuz its not a language. its just a bunch of derivatives.
very informative, please keep posting.
ps. it would be sooo helpful if you could post little bits of words and phrases along the way, thank you!!